Graphic Design
It's about to get graphic
These are my humble roots. I started learning about graphic design in its simplest forms as a young highschooler who thought doing yearbook would be kind of cool. And now today design is my whole life and has branched out is so many ways. Here are some of my more proffesional and recent things I have made for an I.T. department, for other clients, and yes...even for myself. Enjoy!
We Get I.T.

This design and idea was created to help people to understand the work I.T. does across the various groups it affects. I played along with the pun of "We get it" to help people know about I.T. and its use. These were turned into 8ft banners, digital fliers, posters, etc. to get the word out to people.
Who is I.t.
This was a similar idea to help people feel transparent with the I.T. department. This one helped to more fully share the specific numbers and data behind what was done in the department and how we are there to serve and help in all ways possible.
The simple nature of it was meant for people walking by to look at these designs on posters and for the numbers and icons to pop out really quickly.

Not so nice stickers

As a big video game nerd guy I am always into seeing characters from games I played growing up in odd situations. I thought perhaps I'd make some stickers that say some perhaps...not so nice things and add a unique twist on their normally rather cheerful nature.
I feel that these nail that idea and are a funny twist that hopefully doesn't hurt anybody's feelings....too bad.
T-Shirt Designs
Finding something that represents a whole slough of different things is a hard thing to do. But that I did trying to draw the very essence out of things and put them in a simple and easy to understand design on a
As all know t-shirts are the most comfy and best article of clothing. Why not use it to show something you love. So these designs really go ahead and use that principle at their core.

Id Vox Designs Logo

And finally we have the Id Vox Designs logo, my personal brand. "Id Vox" essentially means "the voice of the mind" taken from a great old movie called Forbidden Planet. I wanted what is in my mind to really reach the page, the screen, or whatever medium I decide to send to.
So with the mind I thought the brain, the center of all of our thinking. But the brain is rather...boring. Its just a pink blob...but add an eye? It becomes its own special character. And of course I had to add giant tanks of...brain juice? No body can run on empty for too long,. I think this guy really hits for me the feeling of what I try and accomplish with my design. Weird and intriguing.
Other Graphic design
This stuff is pretty good too
Here are a few other designs that are just simple ideas, good things to show a diversity of what I can do.