Dungeon Adventure
Endgame is an adventure RPG game where you travel through a dungeon discovering enemies, traps, and treasures becoming stronger along the way. These range from terrifying spider monsters to powerful weapons you can wield. You can also incur penalties through certain actions such as failing a trap event or fleeing from a fight. This can cause you to lose strength, slow you down, or even make you talk funny on your turn. The penalties vary from severe to mildly annoying. At some point during your adventuring, a player will trigger the Endgame.
If the Endgame is triggered then the players will choose 1 of 22 different endings to happen from a shuffled "Endgame" Deck. These endings could range from a player becoming a powerful enemy or the entire dungeon flooding, with players needing to work together to survive. If you successfully defeat the monster or survive the trial, you win! Adventuring is a dangerous endeavor, whatever is around the next corner or in the next room could spell certain doom for you.
Good luck, and safe adventuring.
The Look
of the game
The final of the board game is in the last stages of production. The game will be available first to those who support the game through the Kickstarter campaign (link coming soon) and then once it is able to be produced fully through the page located below as well (coming soon),
We look forward to your support and thank you for your interest in the game forthcoming!

The Caretaker Project
a VR experience
of my childhood
The Caretaker Project is a VR-driven experience of a place I grew up at, in a valley in the hills of Northern California. My memories of that place are very fond and looking back on it almost makes it feel like a mystical and magical place. Because the house that I grew up in no longer stands I wanted to start this experience by making that house in the 3D space. All I had to work with were family pictures, videos, and my and my own family's memories of the place because the house has since been demolished, making it quite a tricky design.
The full Caretaker Project will encompass not only the house I grew up in but also the surrounding land of 88 acres of mountains, streams, ravines, and so on. The story of whom you play and the actions you take within this VR adventure will be fictional, but the place, memories, and some other interactions within the VR experience will be pulled directly from my childhood memories.
For now, it is simply this house and still in a very early stage, but I hope that one day soon I can get a team together to work on this experience and turn long-aged memories of mine into a Virtual reality for many to enjoy.