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a creative mood

Here are some of the top motion graphics or mo-graph animations I have made. I work by combining the toolsets of both Adobe Illustrator and Adobe After Effects to create them. It all starts by scripting and determining the story I am telling and then storyboarding out the animations I want. From there it is a breakdown of all the elements and designs that will need to be created from scratch and which ones just need to be animated from the get-go. Then, music, sound effects, and voice-over and...BAM...there you have it. A fully animated piece for informing, inspiring, entertaining and so forth. 

Destiny 2 Vapor Subclass Mockups

So technically this is a mix of both 2D and 3D animation, but i'll go with primarily 2D. This was a blast to make and put together. I am a huge Destiny fan and creating the Iconography, colors, and UI for this was actually quite simple to do. A lot of moving pieces but with simple animations behind them. The characters is the back was my favorite as I was able to jump into Blender and use 3D design in a motion graphics design. All in all, it feels good and embodies a lot of different design ideals. 


I made three different styles of the UI as well for each specific subclass. The Titan is the original style that the game already uses, but the Warlock and the Hunter I tried to mix it up and change how the flow of the piece feels, which area points to another and so on. The focus was to make the density of information on the page feel much more manageable and not overwhelming. 

Hollow Knight - Bone Guardian

Hollow Knight was a game I played that really kicked me into the realm of design, it's simpler shapes and easier to animate characters made it possible for me to create what I wanted. So when a trailer for another Hollow Knight game surfaced I scoured it looking for the inspiration I needed. In a short 2-second clip I found what I was looking for and created and puppeted this guy. He has no name in the game since as of yet we still only have a trailer, but I called him the BoneGuardian.

What Happens when you call I.T.

I worked in an I.T. department for a while doing designs to try and explain difficult I.T. concepts to people who may not have all of that knowledge. This was once of those efforts to explain how their calls to I.T. were routed and to try and make that process as transparent as possible. It has some faux 3D work in it and was created all in After Effects and Illustrator. It also has some fancy voice work done by yours truly. All in all, I think it has good pacing, simply worded, and not long enough to lose attention.  

Not the Woodman you think

Another great think I was inspired by was "Hilda" a kind of obscure yet powerful animated show about a girl and a bunch of magical creatures in a town she moved to. I was immediately struck by the Woodman character who had a strange similarity to a certain other woodland like guy in a video game I played as a child. So I decided to do a short, comic-style animated piece to do a little play on the concept. I think it turned out great with some simple puppet pinning in After Effects for Hilda and then some more complex frame-by-frame animation for the Woodman/Deku Link characters. Fun crossover and a fun animation altogether.

Onedrive - All the benefits

These are a series of 30-second promo videos I animated as part of a push to help people understand and use OneDrive for their cloud storage solutions. I think the animated grain style really makes these look great and makes them come alive very well. 


My favorite is the second with all of the papers falling around him. Working to get his hair and face to move right and adding a little bit of squash and stretch to him and the scene was a good challenge to fine tune until I found exactly what I wanted.  

Other animations
Short But Powerfully sweet

And here are a bunch of smaller animations of various things I have done. Some for fun, others from other jobs I have done but still, pretty fun 2D animations!

Little Planet

Just a bite

The inner space

E3 - 2019 Hopes

hilda - opening

the robo man

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